What clothing does a goalkeeper use?
What kind of clothing does a goalkeeper use? What do you need to be able to play goalkeeper and what is common and comfortable? The basic equipment of goalkeepers consists of a number of items:
• Goalkeeper pants
• Goalkeeper shirt
• Goalkeeper socks / goalkeeper stockings
• Shin guards
• Goalkeeper gloves
• Football boots

In addition to the basic equipment mentioned above, there are other pieces of equipment that not every goalkeeper has, but are increasingly used and some of which are almost called / recommended as basic equipment.

• Base layer / underwear
• Goalkeeper protection
• Goalkeeper cap
• Goalkeeper helmet

The following clothing can also be used during the training:
• Goalkeeper overalls
• Beanie
• cap

Basic equipment

Goalkeeper pants
The goalkeeper pants are available in different versions. The most famous is the long goalkeeper pants with protection around the knees and on the hips. Sometimes this is additionally provided with padding on the buttocks.
In addition to long goalkeeper pants, there are goalkeeper shorts or shorts. This is mainly worn during matches and for more experienced goalkeepers. The shorts are sometimes provided with padding/protection on the hips. Goalkeepers often find the shorts look better than the long pants.
The 3/4 goalkeeper pants have been coming over from the south of Europe for a number of years. These are trousers with legs that extend over the knee. They are basically long pants that are slightly shorter and therefore more comfortable, especially in warm weather.
Jeugdkeeper.nl recommends long goalkeeper pants for starting goalkeepers and at least for training. When the technique of falling and diving / floating improves, goalkeeper shorts can be used. However, for training we recommend: Wear long trousers during the many ground contacts.

Goalkeeper shirt
The goalkeeper shirt is one of the most important pieces of equipment for the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper shirt is the goalkeeper's showcase and goalkeepers naturally want to look their best. The brightly colored shirts seem to work like a magnet on the ball, especially for the pupils. Research has now established that Red/Orange is the most effective shirt, also at international level, with yellow in second place, followed by blue and green. Chelsea goalkeeper Petr Cech: 'I wear an orange kit because it sets off an alarm in the minds of attackers.
However, many Seniors want less brightly colored shirts. All good goalkeeper shirts are provided with padding (protection) and have technology to allow body moisture to pass through, so that the goalkeeper stays warm and dry. All our goalkeeper shirts have a degree of padding. This provides some protection against falls. Good falling technique does the rest.
Short-sleeved goalkeeper shirts have been on the rise lately. This is not a problem for competitions, provided the falling technique is correct. However, for young goalkeepers and for training we always recommend a goalkeeper shirt with long sleeves. The chance of injuries is simply too great.

Goalkeeper socks
We can be brief about goalkeeper socks. Choose the color socks that match your outfit. A yellow goalkeeper shirt and yellow goalkeeper pants also have yellow socks. However, if you wear long pants (and they are always black) or a different color of shorts, choose white.
A goalkeeper should always wear white socks. This looks very good and has more appeal than dark stockings. If the white stockings are washed immediately after the match, there is no problem.

Shin guards
A shin guard is not a goalkeeper-specific piece of equipment, but it is essential.
Cutbacks are often made on this piece of equipment. A shame actually, because shin guards are supposed to perform a task that is almost mathematically impossible. They must be as light as possible and must not be a hindrance, until the moment they suddenly have to provide the strongest possible protection. They must absorb major shocks and even prevent bone fractures, but they must also prevent small wounds.
This is not an easy task and we believe they deserve a little more attention and respect. There are shin guards in various shapes and designs. Shin guards with and without ankle protection (cups) and with or without removable plate. We even have shin guards with calf protection.
Shin guards that consist of a sock with a removable plate are becoming increasingly popular. These shin guards stay in place very well, so taping or the use of special straps is not necessary. These shin guards do lack the protective ankle cups, but the freedom and comfort that the player gets with this type is more important for many people.

Goalkeeper gloves
There is a lot to say about goalkeeper gloves. We have written a separate piece on this topic. Click here to go to the article about goalkeeper gloves.

Football shoes
This is also a separate piece, which falls outside the expertise of Jeugdkeeper.nl. In the past there have been special goalkeeper football boots on the market. These football boots had some studs at the back and were a bit wider. The goalkeeper was supposed to stand slightly forward.
However, Uhlsport has stopped manufacturing these shoes for a number of years.

Additional equipment

Baselayer /underwear

The time of woolen underpants and cotton shirts has been over for some time now. However, not everyone has switched to specific underwear while exercising. New technology has made clothing lighter and moisture-regulating. There is no longer any athlete who wants a wet sweat shirt if it is not necessary. A good baselayer (the base layer) or underwear provides extra warmth and/or wicks away sweat so you always stay dry. This does not necessarily have to be thermal clothing. Base layer clothing is also recommended in the middle of summer to wick away moisture. There is also base layer clothing with compression technology that supports muscles and therefore prevents injuries. There is also base layer / underwear available with protection / padding. More about this in the next chapter.
Goalkeeper protection

Protective clothing and accessories for under goalkeeper pants or under the goalkeeper shirt. This undergarment makes it possible to choose outerwear without protection or for extra protection in addition to the padding of the goalkeeper pants or goalkeeper shirt.
In addition to protection, these articles also offer good moisture management and ventilation, which makes the goalkeeper feel more comfortable and drier (and therefore warmer in winter). The compression technique also maintains the muscles, which can prevent injuries. It is not the intention that clothing is worn underneath this special clothing. Children in particular find the idea of not wearing underwear, but tights, a strange idea.
The goalkeeper helmet has also been in the news a lot lately. The goalkeeper helmet is becoming increasingly popular and offers excellent protection for the head. It will take a number of years before the helmet is really common, but there are already associations and goalkeeper schools where the use of the helmet is mandatory.

Goalkeeper cap
There is no special cap for goalkeepers, but every goalkeeper should have a cap in their bag. As soon as the sun is low on the horizon, it becomes difficult for the goalkeeper to properly follow the game and estimate balls. Therefore, take a cap with you into the goal and put it on when you really need it.

Training equipment
You see the goalkeeper overalls appearing more often. It is a luxury item for many, but once purchased, most people do not want anything else. Overalls offer a solution, especially during wet and cold conditions, but overalls are also great at temperatures up to 18 degrees. Never again a bare back or pants that fall down. The overalls always stay in place and keep you warm.

Beanie or hat
As soon as it gets much colder, a beanie or hat is recommended. You lose most of your heat through your head. By keeping this warm you ensure that you maintain a better temperature. The hat is warmer and more suitable for after and before training. The beanie is smooth and has very good moisture permeability. This means that your head will not get wet and you will not become dehydrated and/or ill more quickly after training.

In addition to all these products, there are of course some items that do not fall under clothing.

Always take a water bottle with you. Especially during training, but also during competitions. This way you not only maintain your moisture balance, but you can also moisten your gloves if necessary. The larger goalkeeper glove bag has room for a water bottle. Place this in the goal with a guest towel during the match so that you always have moisture at hand, but you can also remove too much.

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